这是我将如何测试它,只是为了测试,因为 fizzer 提醒我们调用fclose()
可以用自己的行为在程序中重新定义 fclose()
(或 libc 的任何其他函数)。在类 Unix 系统上,链接器不会抱怨 - 从未在 Windows 上尝试过,但在 cygwin 上尝试过。当然,这会阻止您的其他测试使用 real ,因此必须将此类测试放入单独的测试可执行文件中。fclose()
#include <errno.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdbool.h>
/* from minunit.h : http://www.jera.com/techinfo/jtns/jtn002.html */
#define mu_assert(message, test) do { if (!(test)) return message; } while (0)
#define mu_run_test(test) do { char *message = test(); tests_run++; \
if (message) return message; } while (0)
int tests_run = 0;
bool fclose_shall_fail_on_EINTR = false;
//--- our implemention of fclose()
int fclose(FILE *fp) {
if (fclose_shall_fail_on_EINTR) {
errno = EINTR;
fclose_shall_fail_on_EINTR = false; //--- reset for next call
return EOF;
} else { return 0; }
//--- this is the "production" function to be tested
void uninterruptible_close(FILE *fp) {
// Given an open FILE *fp
while (fclose(fp)==EOF && errno==EINTR) {
errno = 0;
char *test_non_interrupted_fclose(void) {
FILE *theHandle = NULL; //--- don't care here
mu_assert("test fclose wo/ interruption", 0 == errno);
return 0;
char *test_interrupted_fclose(void) {
FILE *theHandle = NULL; //--- don't care here
fclose_shall_fail_on_EINTR = true;
mu_assert("test fclose wo/ interruption", 0 == errno);
return 0;
char *test_suite(void)
return 0;
int main(int ac, char **av)
char *result = test_suite();
printf("number of tests run: %d\n", tests_run);
if (result) { printf("FAIL: %s\n", result); }
return 0 != result;