I have just (finally) started using sublime text 2, and I am liking it so far (apart from lack of intellisense / autocompletion :(, though tried codeintel but its not what I expected), I am moving from netbeans (can't afford to use it because of memory eating nature :(). Anyway My current issue is I don't know how I can use latest update of sublime text 2 (portable on windows), it kept prompting me about update and once I listened to it and it downloaded new version but there was no step involved in actually updating the existing version to new one instead I have another portable version with newer files, and my issue is i have install several plugins in the old version and I don't know how I can use those in this new version :(.

Note: It just started saying me this version has expired so thats why I am seeking help so I can use new version but with my already installed plugins (emmet, js minifier etc etc :().

I have googled alot but found no windows based guide which helps me solve my issue :(.

Thanks in advance.


1 回答 1


假设您的旧版本安装在 中Sublime.old,新版本安装在Sublime.new. 确保 Sublime Text 2 已关闭,然后将Sublime.new\Data文件夹移动到其他地方(比如现在的桌面),以防万一。然后,将文件夹复制(不要移动)到. 启动程序并检查一切是否都在那里,并且工作正常。请注意,从 ST2 升级到 ST3 时,此方法不起作用,因为插件的运行方式存在重大差异。Sublime.old\DataSublime.new

于 2013-07-15T14:11:10.327 回答