I'm trying to play a movie clip of a circle expanding and fading away every time a user clicks. I make the movie clip, then I convert it to a movie clip again and create a motion tween making the circle get larger and fade away. But, when I call on the clip it just keeps playing over and over in the last place you click. If I set a stop at the last frame of the tween the next time you click it, it won't play.

fs15secTapBtn.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN, fs15secdownHandler);

function fs15secdownHandler(event:MouseEvent):void
circletouch.x = mouseX;
circletouch.y = mouseY;



1 回答 1


每次单击时都需要启动/停止影片剪辑。现在,当您第一次单击时,剪辑将被放到舞台上并播放。然后,当您再次单击时,您所做的只是修改剪辑的 x 和 y 位置,这会将剪辑移动到鼠标坐标...但剪辑本身仍将继续处于其在期间所处的任何状态点击(在任何帧上自行播放)。

在您的点击处理程序中添加 circletouch.gotoAndPlay(1); 在第 1 帧重新开始播放。此外,您可能需要重新添加该 stop(); 回来,这样它只会播放一次。

于 2013-07-15T04:36:34.610 回答