伙计们,我正在尝试使用带有 char 变量的“if”语句,但它似乎没有注意到何时满足“是”条件。我不知道是否有办法在没有数组的情况下做到这一点。下面是我的代码。任何帮助深表感谢。
// Running times calculator
# include <iostream>
# include <math.h>
using namespace std;
int main ()
float cTime;
float gTime;
float cDist;
float gDist;
float min;
float sec;
float cMin;
float cSec;
float p1000;
char response[1];
int blank;
printf ("Welcome to the running times calculator.\n\nEnter your completed race distance in metres: \n");
scanf ("%f", &cDist);
printf("Enter your completed race time. Type minutes, hit enter. Type seconds, hit enter\n");
scanf ("%f" "%f", &cMin, &cSec);
cTime = cSec+(60*cMin);
p1000 = pow(1000/cDist,1.1)*cTime;
printf ("Would you like to enter another race time to improve prediction accuracy? \n");
scanf ("%s", &response);
if(response == "yes")
printf ("Enter your completed race distance in metres: \n");
scanf ("%f", &cDist);
printf("Enter your completed race time. Type minutes, hit enter. Type seconds, hit enter\n");
scanf ("%f" "%f", &cMin, &cSec);
cTime = cSec+(60*cMin);
p1000 = ((pow(1000/cDist,1.1)*cTime)+p1000)/2;
printf ("What is your goal race distance in metres? \n");
scanf ("%f", &gDist);
gTime = pow(gDist/1000, 1.1)*p1000;
min = gTime/60;
sec = remainder(gTime,60);
if (sec < 0)
sec = sec + 60;
min = min - 1;
printf ("Your predicted time for a race of %.0f metres is %.0f minutes and %.0f seconds", gDist, min, sec);
scanf("%f", &blank);
return 0;