我正在运行 ember-1.0.0-rc.5 并为我传递文章 ID 的 disqus 评论创建了一个视图。
我的问题是 disqus 不知道我何时从一页切换到另一页。
App.DisqusView = Ember.View.extend({
tagName: 'div',
elementId: 'disqus_thread',
didInsertElement: function(){
var root_url = "http://my-root-url.herokuapp.com"
var page_id = this.get('identifier');
var disqus_identifier = "item-" + page_id;
/ this outputs the correct id/
var disqus_title = "the song title" ;
/ this outputs the correct title/
var disqus_url = root_url + '/#/song/' + page_id;
/ this outputs the correct url for the page/
var disqus_shortname = 'example';
(function() {
var dsq = document.createElement('script'); dsq.type = 'text/javascript'; dsq.async = true;
dsq.src = 'http://' + disqus_shortname + '.disqus.com/embed.js';
(document.getElementsByTagName('head')[0] || document.getElementsByTagName('body')[0]).appendChild(dsq);
{{view App.DisqusView identifierBinding="id"}}
因此,评论在所有页面上呈现,但一条评论持续存在于所有页面,就好像 disqus 认为它们都是同一个页面一样。
我正在记录 page_id 和 url 以确保我给 disqus 正确的 url。
同样,当我从一个页面单击到另一个页面时,两者都有 disqus,控制台会吐出一堆 disqus 错误:
DISQUS assertion failed: Unsafe attempt to redefine existing module: stringify [VM] embed.js (16737):1
DISQUS assertion failed: Unsafe attempt to redefine existing module: parse [VM] embed.js (16737):1
DISQUS assertion failed: Unsafe attempt to redefine existing module: domready [VM] embed.js (16737):1
DISQUS assertion failed: Unsafe attempt to redefine existing module: on [VM] embed.js (16737):1
DISQUS assertion failed: Unsafe attempt to redefine existing module: once [VM] embed.js (16737):1
DISQUS assertion failed: Unsafe attempt to redefine existing module: off [VM] embed.js (16737):1
DISQUS assertion failed: Unsafe attempt to redefine existing module: trigger [VM] embed.js (16737):1
DISQUS assertion failed: Unsafe attempt to redefine existing module: stopListening [VM] embed.js (16737):1
DISQUS assertion failed: Unsafe attempt to redefine existing module: listenTo [VM] embed.js (16737):1
DISQUS assertion failed: Unsafe attempt to redefine existing module: listenToOnce [VM] embed.js (16737):1
DISQUS assertion failed: Unsafe attempt to redefine existing module: bind [VM] embed.js (16737):1
DISQUS assertion failed: Unsafe attempt to redefine existing module: unbind [VM] embed.js (16737):1
DISQUS assertion failed: Unsafe attempt to redefine existing module: getShortnameFromUrl [VM] embed.js (16737):1
DISQUS assertion failed: Unsafe attempt to redefine existing module: getForum [VM] embed.js (16737):1
DISQUS assertion failed: Unsafe attempt to redefine existing module: isSSL [VM] embed.js (16737):1
DISQUS assertion failed: Unsafe attempt to redefine existing module: guessThreadTitle [VM] embed.js (16737):1
DISQUS assertion failed: Unsafe attempt to redefine existing module: getContrastYIQ [VM] embed.js (16737):1
DISQUS assertion failed: Unsafe attempt to redefine existing module: colorToHex [VM] embed.js (16737):1
DISQUS assertion failed: Unsafe attempt to redefine existing module: getElementStyle [VM] embed.js (16737):1
DISQUS assertion failed: Unsafe attempt to redefine existing module: getAnchorColor [VM] embed.js (16737):1
DISQUS assertion failed: Unsafe attempt to redefine existing module: normalizeFontValue [VM] embed.js (16737):1
DISQUS assertion failed: Unsafe attempt to redefine existing module: isSerif [VM] embed.js (16737):1
DISQUS assertion failed: Unsafe attempt to redefine existing module: getBrowserSupport [VM] embed.js (16737):1
DISQUS assertion failed: Unsafe attempt to redefine existing module: getPermalink [VM] embed.js (16737):1
DISQUS assertion failed: Unsafe attempt to redefine existing module: expose [VM] embed.js (16737):1
DISQUS assertion failed: Unsafe attempt to redefine existing module: BaseApp [VM] embed.js (16737):1
DISQUS assertion failed: Unsafe attempt to redefine existing module: WindowedApp [VM] embed.js (16737):1
DISQUS assertion failed: Unsafe attempt to redefine existing module: ThreadBoundApp [VM] embed.js (16737):1
DISQUS assertion failed: Unsafe attempt to redefine existing module: PublicInterfaceMixin [VM] embed.js (16737):1
DISQUS assertion failed: Unsafe attempt to redefine existing module: Switches [VM] embed.js (16737):1
DISQUS assertion failed: Unsafe attempt to redefine existing module: Profile [VM] embed.js (16737):1
DISQUS assertion failed: Unsafe attempt to redefine existing module: BackplaneIntegration [VM] embed.js (16737):1
DISQUS assertion failed: Unsafe attempt to redefine existing module: Lounge [VM] embed.js (16737):1
DISQUS assertion failed: Unsafe attempt to redefine existing module: Ignition [VM] embed.js (16737):1
DISQUS assertion failed: Unsafe attempt to redefine existing module: HostConfig