我正在尝试使用 MVC 架构找出调查应用程序的模型结构。实际上它是一个更大的 WebApp 中的问答部分。我有大约 120 个问题,他们都有设置的答案选项,没有书面答案。目前我有3张桌子:

Question(id, QuestionText)
Answer(id, Userid, Questionid, AnswerOptionId)
AnswerOption(id, Option) - example: Yes, No, 1-10, etc


@Html.LabelFor(m => m.QuestionText)


我进行了搜索,但只找到了用于创建调查的应用程序,而不是 MVC 中内置的实际调查。如果您知道任何示例,请告诉我。


1 回答 1


I actually ran in to this same problem earlier this week. What I ended up doing, successfully, was this:

My Model consists of a list of Questions, which is a custom class I wrote with the necessary properties needed for my scenario:

List<Question> Questions { get; set; }

My View uses a DropDownList inside of a foreach block as opposed to a DropDownListFor, and I am setting the name using the Id of each question:

@foreach (Question question in Model.Questions)
     <li>Answer: @Html.DropDownList(String.Format("ddlAnswer{0}", question.QuestionId), Model.Answers)</li>

On HttpPost on the Controller, I am passing in the FormCollection as a parameter to the Action and am again iterating through the results set. This would appear to be inefficient but tested in multiple scenarios it runs very quickly.

public ActionResult Index(SurveyModel model, FormCollection form)
     foreach (Question question in model.Questions)
          question.QuestionAnswer = form[String.Format("ddlAnswer{0}", question.QuestionId)];
于 2013-09-11T11:58:29.427 回答