我想使用列表视图控件在每个项目中创建一个带有复选框的列表,并在 CCleaner 等组中创建一个图像。请帮我。

我没有足够的声誉来发布图片,所以这里是图片位置: http://lh5.ggpht.com/_S0f-AWxKVdM/TF_HPHDJp8I/AAAAAAAAM94/sEncyQ-GG2o/CCleaner-Enhancer%5B3%5D.png?imgmax=800


1 回答 1

  1. Switch to the designer, click on the ImageList component on the Component Tray, there will be a smart tag appear on the top-right corner of the ImageList.
  2. Click the smart tag, and click "Choose Images" on the pane.
  3. On the pop-up Image Collection Editor dialog, choose the images from the folder your want.
  4. Click OK to finish adding images to the ImageList.
  5. Click the ListView on the form, there will be a smart tag appear on the top-right corner.
  6. Click the smart tag, you will find there're three ComboBoxes there, choose a ImageList from the list as you want.
  7. Click the "Add items" option on the smart tag, a ListViewItem Collection Editor will appear, you can add items to the ListView, it's important here to set the ImageIndex or ImageKey property, or the image won't appear.
  8. Click OK to finish item editing, now you'll find the images are displayed on the ListView.
于 2013-07-14T08:05:06.927 回答