使用模块,您可以导出固有属性和函数,并且不需要通过 add-member 运行它们或做很多杂技。但是请注意,如果您不想导出所有属性和方法,则会出现一些问题,并且虽然您可以将属性初始化为初始值,但您不能在初始化过程中调用内部函数,而无需进行一些笨拙的杂技。
但我认为你真正想做的是使用 Powershell 5 中现在可用的类(当你发布时它们不是)。我已经提供了每个示例。Sysops 有一个关于新课程的不错的教程,分为 4 个部分
这是powershell 5.0之前的旧方式
# powershell 3.0 and above (I think)
$m = new-module -ascustomobject -scriptblock `
$person = "Frodo"
function Who
{return $this.person}
function Rename
{$this.person = $name}
Export-ModuleMember -Function * -Variable *
write-host "direct property access: $($m.person)"
write-host "method call: $($m.who())"
write-host "change test: $($m.who())"
# powershell 3.0 and above (I think)
$template = `
$person = "Frodo"
function Who
{return $this.person}
function Rename
{$this.person = $name}
Export-ModuleMember -Function * -Variable *
$me = new-module -ascustomobject -scriptblock $template; $me.Rename("Shelob")
$you = new-module -ascustomobject -scriptblock $template
"Me: $($me.Who())"
"You: $($you.Who())"
在 powershell 5 中你有实际的类(大部分)
#requires -version 5
Class Person
hidden [String] $name #not actually private
[string] Who ()
{return $this.name}
[void] Rename ([string] $name)
{$this.name = $name}
# constructors are weird though, you don't specify return type OR explicitly return value.
Person ([String]$name)
{$this.name = $name}
# The above constructor code is secretly converted to this
[Person] New ([string]$name) #note the added return type and renamed to New
$this.name = $name
return $this #note that we are returning ourself, you can exploit this to create chained constructors like [person]::New("gandalf").withWizardLevel("White") but I haven't done so here
$me = [Person]::new("Shelob")
$you = [Person]::new("Frodo")
# $me|gm # Note that Name doesn't show here
# $me.name # But we can still access it...
# $me|gm -Force # Note that Name DOES show here
"Me: $($me.who())"
"You: $($you.who())"
"You after we meet: $($you.who())"