I am bit confused about what data should a DTO contain. For example let's assume that we have two tables: User, and Orders. Orders table contains id_users, which is foreign key to user table.
Obviously I have two DAOs, MysqlUserDao and MysqlOrdersDao, with crud operations, and two transfer objects User, and Order, in which I store jdbc rowset.
If I want to get the list of users and for each user all his orders how should I do:
1) In my MysqlUserDao create a function: getUsersAndOrders(select users.,orders. from users join orders) And my User DTO should have a OrderList property in where i put orders ?
2) In my MysqlUserDao i create a function getAllUsers(select * from users), and foreach user I use MysqlOrdersDao function getOrder(id_user);
And some clarifications:
1) For each table in database I need to create a DAO object? or just for complex ones? For example products and images, should be 2 dao or just one?
2) a DTO object should have only properties and setter getter, or it is possible to have other methods like convertEuroToUsd etc.