Below Class2 has a property that needs to be set before GetSomething is called, however because I access Class2 at the top of Class1 the property is always null when it gets to Something class. I can't seem to figure out how to change my code to set the property before it's used. Anyone?

EDIT I want to pass the dependency from form1's constructor, not hardcode it further up the chain.

public partial class form1
    private static readonly ISomeConstructedClass someConstructedClass = Class1.SomeConstructedClass;
    public form1()
        someConstructedClass.SomeDependency = new SomeDependency();
public static class Class1
    public static readonly ISomething something = (ISomething)Class2.GetSomething("something");
    public static ISomeConstructedClass SomeConstructedClass
       return something.SomeConstructedClass;

} .... }

public class Class2
    public static ISomeDependency SomeDependency
    public static GetSomething(string something)
            case "something":
               return new Something( SomeDependency );

  public class Something : ISomething
      public ISomeDependency SomeDependency
      public Something(ISomeDependency someDependency)
           SomeDependency = someDependency;

2 回答 2



I was confused about what you were trying to do before, you just need to create the dependency first.

public partial class form1
    private static /*readonly*/ ISomeConstructedClass someConstructedClass;
    public form1()
        Class2.SomeDependency = new SomeDependency();
        someConstructedClass = Class1.SomeConstructedClass;

I would also move the creation of something into the property just to make sure it is not initialized too soon (before the form1 constructor is called).

public static class Class1
    public static ISomething something;
    public static ISomeConstructedClass SomeConstructedClass
            if (something == null) {
                something = (ISomething)Class2.GetSomething("something");
            return something.SomeConstructedClass;

You can use a static constructor. This is called before any static (or instance for that matter) fields or methods are called/accessed.

Something like:

static Class2() {
    SomeDependency = SomeDependencyYouNeed;
于 2013-07-12T20:49:25.230 回答

Why are you using static methods? It looks like you're attempting a sort of Dependency Injection. Either create an instance of Class2 and pass the dependency in the constructor (and don't use static methods), or pass the dependency as a parameter of the GetSomething() method.

public static GetSomething(string something, ISomeDependency dependency).
于 2013-07-12T20:50:43.517 回答