I have the following code as Strings

[444398, 1]
[111099, 0]
[188386, 2]
[149743, 0]

and I want to make a two-dimensional array with each number as an int. For example,

int[][] temp = new int[4][2]

I am trying to use

String challengetemp = Arrays.toString(Challenge.challenge(players[0], players[1]));
challengeList[i][i] = Integer.parseInt(challengetemp.split("\\|",-1));

but for starters, ParseInt is getting a type mismatch and results in an error.

I would need to be able to access the info from the array afterwards as integers


2 回答 2


And I would utilize StringTokenizer to do something like this.

    String str = "[444398, 1][111099, 0][188386, 2][149743, 0]";

        str = str.replace("[","");
        str = str.replace("]","|");

        int arr[][] = new int[4][2];
        StringTokenizer token = new StringTokenizer(str,"|");
        for(int i=0;i<4;i++)
            StringTokenizer nextToken = new StringTokenizer(token.nextToken(),",");
         for(int j=0;j<2;j++)
            String tokenValue = nextToken.nextToken();
                tokenValue.replace("|", "");
            arr[i][j]= Integer.parseInt(tokenValue.trim());

        for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++) {
            for (int j = 0; j < 2; j++) {

And you would have to modify a little to the loop, so that it would parse as many String to int array as you want.

于 2013-07-12T19:16:12.043 回答

I would do something like this:

    String string = "[444398, 1]";
    string = string.substring(1, string.length()-1); //Turns it into "444398, 1"
    String[] stringInArray = string.split(", "); // Then makes it ["444398", "1"]

    int[][] temp = new int[4][2];

    temp[0][0] = Integer.parseInt(stringInArray[0]);
    temp[0][1] = Integer.parseInt(stringInArray[1]);

You will have to modify it into a loop for doing multiple of course!

于 2013-07-12T18:31:06.620 回答