试图通过控制台制作一个注册页面。我需要几个输入,而且我正在使用 fgets,所以我需要刷新标准输入。很多关于 Stack Overflow 的类似问题都被重定向到这里:http ://c-faq.com/stdio/stdinflush2.html 。我使用该链接获得了以下代码。但是,这实际上不起作用。它显示用户名:,然后当我输入用户名并按 Enter 时,它只是转到控制台中的一个新的空行,我可以在其中输入更多内容。为什么会这样?我该如何解决?
NSLog(@"Do you have an account already?(1 for Yes, 0 for no)");
fgets(cnumb1, 2, stdin);
int c;
while((c = getchar()) != '\n' && c != EOF);
size_t length = strlen(cnumb1);
if (cnumb1 [length-1] == '\n'){ // In case that the input string has 1 character plus '\n'
cnumb1 [length-1] = '\0';} // Plus '\0', the '\n' isn't added and the if condition is false.
NSString* string = [NSString stringWithUTF8String: cnumb1];
if (string == 0) {
while(numb4 == 1) {
numb3 = 1;
while( numb3 == 1){
fgets(usercheck1, 13, stdin);
int c2;
while((c2 = getchar()) != '\n' && c2 != EOF);
size_t length1 = strlen(usercheck1);
if (usercheck1 [length1-1] == '\n'){ // In case that the input string has 12 characters plus '\n'
usercheck1 [length1-1] = '\0';} // Plus '\0', the '\n' isn't added and the if condition is false.