I am creating an android presentation app for a tablet that is projected on a screen. I have created a TouchEvent the adds a circle sprite so the audience can see where the presenter clicked on the screen. Here are the functions:
public function onTouchBegin(e:TouchEvent):void
var dot:Sprite = this.getCircle();
dot.x = e.stageX;
dot.y = e.stageY;
dot.startTouchDrag(e.touchPointID, true);
dots[e.touchPointID] = dot;
public function onTouchEnd(e:TouchEvent):void
var dot:Sprite = this.dots[e.touchPointID];
delete this.dots[e.touchPointID];
private function getCircle(circumference:uint = 20):Sprite
var circle:Sprite = new Sprite();
circle.graphics.beginFill(0x00AFF0, .3);
circle.graphics.drawCircle(0, 0, circumference);
circle.mouseChildren = true;
return circle;
This works great, but I have some movieclips on the stage that cannot be clicked because the touch event is hijacking the click event. How do I get the click event assigned to the movieclips to fire through the dynamically added sprite?