使用 phonegap,我可以从联系人列表中获取/过滤单个联系人。但是如何更新(添加/删除)电话号码字段。请帮忙。非常感谢。
假设 1 有一个联系人姓名 John Smith 和 2 个电话号码 [('Home', '1111'), ('Work', '2222')]。
- 当我尝试删除“工作”号码时,只保留“家庭”号码。首先获取联系人,尝试删除所有号码,然后添加“家”号码,但我总是得到 3 个号码 [('Home', '1111'), ('Work', '2222'), ('Home' , '1111')]
- 奇怪的是,如果我尝试删除所有号码,然后什么都不添加,它真的会从联系人中删除所有号码吗?
var phoneNumbers = [];
for (...){
phoneNum = {
type: ...,
value: ...,
pref: false
contact = contacts_list[index]; //get the contact need to edit
//try to remove all current phone number
if (contact.phoneNumbers){
for (var i = 0; i < contact.phoneNumbers.length; i++){
delete contact.phoneNumbers[i];
//contact.phoneNumbers[i] = null; //i try this too
//contact.phoneNumbers[i] = []; //i try this too
//set new phone number
contact.phoneNumbers = phoneNumbers;
我还尝试创建一个只有 1 个号码 [('Home', '1111')] 的新联系人,将 id 和 rawId 设置为与我需要更新的联系人对象相同,然后保存()。但我仍然得到相同的结果 [('Home', '1111'), ('Work', '2222'), ('Home', '1111')]
var contact = navigator.contacts.create();
var phoneNumbers = [];
phoneNumbers[0] = new ContactField('Home', '1111', false);
contact.phoneNumbers = phoneNumbers;
contact.id = ...
contact.rawId = ...
contact = contacts_list[index]; //get the contact need to edit
//try to remove all current phone number
if (contact.phoneNumbers){
for (var i = 0; i < contact.phoneNumbers.length; i++){
delete contact.phoneNumbers[i];
//contact.phoneNumbers[i] = null; //i try this too
//contact.phoneNumbers[i] = []; //i try this too
var phoneNumbers = [];
phoneNumbers[0] = new ContactField('Home', '1111', false);
contact.phoneNumbers = phoneNumbers;