我在提取以下 XML 的属性时遇到问题。我可以获得以下属性:

   <Format Type="6" Price="7.00" MaxDownloads="3" Status="active" ExclusiveRights="CA AU NZ ZA GB IE " NotForSale="AU NZ " />


    <Contributor Code="A01" Text="By (author)">Cairns, Warwick</Contributor>

我需要“A01”和“Cairns, Warwick”。



下面的 XML:

<?xml version="1.0"?>
      <EBook EAN="9781849892100">
        <Title>About The Size Of It</Title>
        <SubTitle>A Common Sense Approach To How People Measure Things</SubTitle>
        <Publisher>General Non-Fiction</Publisher>
          <Contributor Code="A01" Text="By (author)">Cairns, Warwick</Contributor>
          <Bic Code="PDZ">Popular science</Bic>
          <Format Type="6" Price="7.00" MaxDownloads="3" Status="active" ExclusiveRights="CA AU NZ ZA GB IE " NotForSale="AU NZ " />
        <ShortDescription>     A serious and seriously funny book about weights and measures. It explains what they are, how they come about and how they are formed and shaped by the one guiding principle of measurement that no one ever mentions: that most of us have better things to think about. This is the only book devoted to the mishmash of bodges, estimates   </ShortDescription>


$z = new XMLReader;

$doc = new DOMDocument;

# move to the first node
while ($z->read() && $z->name !== 'EBook');

# now that we're at the right depth, hop to the next <product/> until the end of the tree
while ($z->name === 'EBook')

    $node = simplexml_import_dom($doc->importNode($z->expand(), true));

    # Get the value of each node
    $title = mysql_real_escape_string($node->Title);
    $Subtitle = mysql_real_escape_string($node->SubTitle);
    $ShortDescription = mysql_real_escape_string($node->ShortDescription);
    $Publisher = mysql_real_escape_string($node->Publisher);
    $Imprint = mysql_real_escape_string($node->Imprint);

    # Get attributes
    $isbn = $z->getAttribute('EAN');

    $contributor = $node->Contributors;
    $author = $contributor[0]->Contributor;
    $author = mysql_real_escape_string($author);

    $BicSubjects = $node->BicSubjects;
    $Bic = $BicSubjects[0]->Bic;
    $Bic = mysql_real_escape_string($Bic);

    $formats = $node->Formats;
    $type  = $formats[0]->Format;
    $price = $type[0]['Price'];
    $ExclusiveRights = $type[0]['ExclusiveRights'];
    $NotForSale = $type[0]['NotForSale'];

    # echo "<pre>".print_r($node,true)."</pre>";
    # die();

2 回答 2



如果您仍然有问题,请包含您正在使用的 php 代码。


正如 Sundar 所说,简单 xml 更易于使用,但是如果您的 xml 文件很大,那么 XMLReader 和 simplexml 的组合将使用更少的内存,因为只存储当前节点。

while ($z->name === 'EBook')
  $node = simplexml_import_dom($doc->importNode($z->expand(), true));
  #print EAN
  echo $node->attributes()->EAN;



看看如何在 php 中使用 xmlreader

于 2013-07-12T13:33:44.097 回答



$cxn = mysql_connect('localhost', 'XXXX', 'XXXXXXXXX');

$xml = simplexml_load_file('graph.xml');


//$ebook = $xml->EBook;

//get attribute

//get Contributors value
//echo $ebook->Contributors->Contributor;

foreach($xml->EBook as $ebook)

   //echo $ebook->Contributors->Contributor;

    $title = mysql_real_escape_string($ebook->Title);
    $Subtitle = mysql_real_escape_string($ebook->SubTitle);
    $ShortDescription = mysql_real_escape_string($ebook->ShortDescription);
    $Publisher = mysql_real_escape_string($ebook->Publisher);
    $Imprint = mysql_real_escape_string($ebook->Imprint);

    # Get attributes
    $isbn = $ebook->attributes()->EAN;

    $contributor = $ebook->Contributors;
    $author = $ebook->Contributors->Contributor;
    $author = mysql_real_escape_string($author);

    foreach($xml->EBook->Contributors->children() as $data)

        $Code = $data->attributes()->Code;
        $Text = $data->attributes()->Code;
        die(); */

    $BicSubjects = $ebook->BicSubjects;
    $Bic = $ebook->BicSubjects->Bic;
    $Bic = mysql_real_escape_string($Bic);

    $formats = $ebook->Formats;

    foreach($ebook->Formats->Format->children() as $child)
        $type  = $child->attributes()->Type;
        $price = $child->attributes()->Price;
        $ExclusiveRights = $child->attributes()->ExclusiveRights;
        $NotForSale = $child->attributes()->NotForSale;

于 2013-07-12T14:27:11.007 回答