I want to make ability for anonymous users to get e-mail with discount coupon for manually chosen product.

It could be put in one form (select lists) or multiple steps (product selection > user info)

How it should work:

  1. User in page/block chooses taxonomy term (category of product)
  2. User chooses node (filtered by chosen taxonomy term)
  3. User inputs name, e-mail.
  4. User clicks submit button
  5. Html e-mail is being generated and sent with user name, chosen node title and custom field from that node with discount rate.

Is it difficult to achieve it work?

Thank you for your help.


1 回答 1


您可以使用 Webform 模块 ( https://drupal.org/project/webform )重新创建您要查找的内容,只需使用所需字段(类别、节点、名称、电子邮件)创建一个 Web 表单,然后将收据自定义为为用户选择的节点使用 [node:discount-code] 令牌。

于 2013-07-12T12:35:32.670 回答