我试图实现一个标准的多项式拟合程序,遇到了一个我无法理解的问题。这是我有一个样本 x 和 y 数据的代码,我使用正规方程进行拟合,并且还使用了 numpy 中的 polyfit 函数。
def mytest(N):
print "\nPolynomial order (N): {}".format(N)
mVals = [5, 10, 15, 20]
a_orig = [198.764, 13.5, 0.523]
for M in mVals:
x = arange(-M, M+1)
y = matrix(a_orig[0]+ a_orig[1]*x + a_orig[2]*x**2).T
# Code implementing the solution from the normal equations
nArray = arange(N+1)
A = matrix([[n**i for i in nArray] for n in x])
B = (A.T*A).I
a_myfit = B*(A.T*y)
# numpy's polyfit
a_polyfit = polyfit(x, y, N)
print "M: {}".format(M)
print ["{0:0.3f}".format(i) for i in a_orig]
print ["{0:0.3f}".format(i) for i in array(a_myfit)[:,0]]
print ["{0:0.3f}".format(i) for i in list(array(a_polyfit)[:,0])[::-1]]
Polynomial order (N): 5
M: 5
['198.764', '13.500', '0.523']
['198.764', '13.500', '0.523', '0.000', '0.000', '-0.000']
['198.764', '13.500', '0.523', '-0.000', '0.000', '0.000']
M: 10
['198.764', '13.500', '0.523']
['198.764', '13.500', '0.523', '-0.000', '0.000', '-0.000']
['198.764', '13.500', '0.523', '0.000', '0.000', '0.000']
M: 15
['198.764', '13.500', '0.523']
['198.764', '13.500', '0.523', '0.000', '0.000', '-0.000']
['198.764', '13.500', '0.523', '-0.000', '-0.000', '0.000']
M: 20
['198.764', '13.500', '0.523']
['198.764', '13.500', '0.523', '0.000', '-0.000', '-0.000']
['198.764', '13.500', '0.523', '0.000', '0.000', '0.000']
Polynomial order (N): 6
M: 5
['198.764', '13.500', '0.523']
['198.764', '13.500', '0.523', '0.000', '0.000', '-0.000', '-0.000']
['198.764', '13.500', '0.523', '-0.000', '0.000', '0.000', '-0.000']
M: 10
['198.764', '13.500', '0.523']
['198.764', '13.500', '0.523', '-0.000', '-0.000', '-0.000', '-0.000']
['198.764', '13.500', '0.523', '0.000', '0.000', '-0.000', '-0.000']
M: 15
['198.764', '13.500', '0.523']
['294.451', '13.500', '-0.061', '0.000', '-0.001', '-0.000', '-0.000']
['198.764', '13.500', '0.523', '0.000', '0.000', '0.000', '-0.000']
M: 20
['198.764', '13.500', '0.523']
['369.135', '13.500', '-0.046', '0.000', '-0.000', '-0.000', '-0.000']
['198.764', '13.500', '0.523', '0.000', '0.000', '-0.000', '-0.000']
对于 N > 5 和 M > 13,多项式拟合的值给出了错误的值。
我哪里错了?polyfit 实现有什么不同?