最近我问了关于写在这里的层次头文件的问题。我得到了答案,并将其标记为解决方案。但过了一会儿,我对这个话题还有其他问题。嵌套类型呢?我希望在类型层次结构的头文件中也显示嵌套类型。例如(请阅读 TODO):
© Andrey Bushman, 12 July 2013
This file contains the full hierarchy of this application's types. This file
must be included into the each header file of this application.
#include <iostream>
#include <string>
#include <exception>
namespace Bushman{
namespace Common{
// run-time checked narrowing cast (type conversion)
template <class R, class A> inline R narrow_cast(const A& a);
// Throw the exception with the msg message.
void error(const std::string& msg);
namespace CAD_Calligraphy{
class Shp_istream; // Stream for SHP file reading.
class Shp_ostream; // Stream for SHP file writing.
class Token; // Token of the SHP file.
// TODO: The next both rows is not allowed (for nested types):
enum Token::Type; // Type of Token item.
class Token::Some_inner_class; // Class for internal use in the Token.
PS 我可以在评论中写下有关嵌套类型的信息。我认为这是单一的解决方案。我对吗?