I have got a text area and a function that splits the pasted content based on the spaces between content elements and turns them into labels one by one:
Say I have the following content to be pasted:
1234,john smith,john@test.com 4312,jack gold,jack@yahoo.com 5678,Brian,brian@gmail.com
and obviously I use
$('#testArea').on("paste", ".maininput", function (event) {
var text = $(element).val();
var contentArray = text.split(" ");
The result should be 3 labels with the following format (users mobile number,full name, email)
But because of the fact that there are spaces between firstname and lastname I am not able to get the right result.
What I am trying to achieve is sort of escaping the spaces when its between first and last name.
has anyone got any idea how to do it?