@echo off
title Log Split And Backup
rem dt = date
rem tm = time
rem wd = week day
rem mh = month
rem dy = day
rem yr = year
rem hh = hour
rem mm = minute
rem ss = second
rem ms = milisecond
rem gtr = greater than
rem lss = less than
rem equ = equal to
echo Starting Log Split And Backup...
ping -n 1 -w 1500 >nul
echo Log Split And Backup Has Started...
set hh=%tm:~0,2%
set mm=%tm:~3,2%
set ss=%tm:~5,2%
set ms=%tm:~7,2%
goto date
set dt=%date%
set tm=%time%
set wd=%dt:~0,3%
set mh=%dt:~4,2%
set dy=%dt:~6,2%
set yr=%dt:~8,4%
goto scheduletimes
for /f "tokens=1*delims=0" %%a in ("$0%hh%") do set /a HH=%%b
if %HH% equ 6 goto minutes1
goto hour2
for /f "tokens=1*delims=0" %%a in ("$0%hh%") do set /a HH=%%b
if %HH% equ 0 goto seconds1
goto hour2
for /f "tokens=1*delims=0" %%a in ("$0%hh%") do set /a HH=%%b
if %HH% lss 10 goto day1
goto hour2
for /f "tokens=1*delims=0" %%a in ("$0%hh%") do set /a HH=%%b
if %HH% equ 18 goto minutes2
goto time
for /f "tokens=1*delims=0" %%a in ("$0%hh%") do set /a HH=%%b
if %HH% equ 0 goto seconds2
goto time
for /f "tokens=1*delims=0" %%a in ("$0%hh%") do set /a HH=%%b
if %HH% lss 10 goto day2
goto time
for %%i in (Mon) do (
if "%wd%"=="%%i" goto mon1
for %%i in (Tue) do (
if "%wd%"=="%%i" goto tue1
for %%i in (Wed) do (
if "%wd%"=="%%i" goto wed1
for %%i in (Thu) do (
if "%wd%"=="%%i" goto thu1
for %%i in (Fri) do (
if "%wd%"=="%%i" goto fri1
for %%i in (Sat) do (
if "%wd%"=="%%i" goto sat1
for %%i in (Sun) do (
if "%wd%"=="%%i" goto sun1
for %%i in (Mon) do (
if "%wd%"=="%%i" goto mon2
for %%i in (Tue) do (
if "%wd%"=="%%i" goto tue2
for %%i in (Wed) do (
if "%wd%"=="%%i" goto wed2
for %%i in (Thu) do (
if "%wd%"=="%%i" goto thu2
for %%i in (Fri) do (
if "%wd%"=="%%i" goto fri2
for %%i in (Sat) do (
if "%wd%"=="%%i" goto sat2
for %%i in (Sun) do (
if "%wd%"=="%%i" goto sun2
@echo %date%
@echo %time%
echo Starting the 12hr Log Split and Log Backup...
ping -n 1 -w 3000 >nul
xcopy "C:\Users\Kratos\Desktop\MC Server\server.txt" "C:\Users\Kratos\Dropbox\Minecraft Backups\Logs\0-mon\server1.txt" /D /E /R /I /K /Y
del "C:\Users\Kratos\Desktop\MC Server\server.txt"
echo Finished Log Split and Log Backup...
goto time
@echo %date%
@echo %time%
echo Starting the 12hr Log Split and Log Backup...
ping -n 1 -w 3000 >nul
xcopy "C:\Users\Kratos\Desktop\MC Server\server.txt" "C:\Users\Kratos\Dropbox\Minecraft Backups\Logs\1-tue\server1.txt" /D /E /R /I /K /Y
del "C:\Users\Kratos\Desktop\MC Server\server.txt"
echo Finished Log Split and Log Backup...
goto time
@echo %date%
@echo %time%
echo Starting the 12hr Log Split and Log Backup...
ping -n 1 -w 3000 >nul
xcopy "C:\Users\Kratos\Desktop\MC Server\server.txt" "C:\Users\Kratos\Dropbox\Minecraft Backups\Logs\2-wed\server1.txt" /D /E /R /I /K /Y
del "C:\Users\Kratos\Desktop\MC Server\server.txt"
echo Finished Log Split and Log Backup...
goto time
@echo %date%
@echo %time%
echo Starting the 12hr Log Split and Log Backup...
ping -n 1 -w 3000 >nul
xcopy "C:\Users\Kratos\Desktop\MC Server\server.txt" "C:\Users\Kratos\Dropbox\Minecraft Backups\Logs\3-thu\server1.txt" /D /E /R /I /K /Y
del "C:\Users\Kratos\Desktop\MC Server\server.txt"
echo Finished Log Split and Log Backup...
goto time
@echo %date%
@echo %time%
echo Starting the 12hr Log Split and Log Backup...
ping -n 1 -w 3000 >nul
xcopy "C:\Users\Kratos\Desktop\MC Server\server.txt" "C:\Users\Kratos\Dropbox\Minecraft Backups\Logs\4-fri\server1.txt" /D /E /R /I /K /Y
del "C:\Users\Kratos\Desktop\MC Server\server.txt"
echo Finished Log Split and Log Backup...
goto time
@echo %date%
@echo %time%
echo Starting the 12hr Log Split and Log Backup...
ping -n 1 -w 3000 >nul
xcopy "C:\Users\Kratos\Desktop\MC Server\server.txt" "C:\Users\Kratos\Dropbox\Minecraft Backups\Logs\5-sat\server1.txt" /D /E /R /I /K /Y
del "C:\Users\Kratos\Desktop\MC Server\server.txt"
echo Finished Log Split and Log Backup...
goto time
@echo %date%
@echo %time%
echo Starting the 12hr Log Split and Log Backup...
ping -n 1 -w 3000 >nul
xcopy "C:\Users\Kratos\Desktop\MC Server\server.txt" "C:\Users\Kratos\Dropbox\Minecraft Backups\Logs\6-sun\server1.txt" /D /E /R /I /K /Y
del "C:\Users\Kratos\Desktop\MC Server\server.txt"
echo Finished Log Split and Log Backup...
goto time
@echo %date%
@echo %time%
echo Starting the 12hr Log Split and Log Backup...
ping -n 1 -w 3000 >nul
xcopy "C:\Users\Kratos\Desktop\MC Server\server.txt" "C:\Users\Kratos\Dropbox\Minecraft Backups\Logs\0-mon\server2.txt" /D /E /R /I /K /Y
del "C:\Users\Kratos\Desktop\MC Server\server.txt"
echo Finished Log Split and Log Backup...
goto time
@echo %date%
@echo %time%
echo Starting the 12hr Log Split and Log Backup...
ping -n 1 -w 3000 >nul
xcopy "C:\Users\Kratos\Desktop\MC Server\server.txt" "C:\Users\Kratos\Dropbox\Minecraft Backups\Logs\1-tue\server2.txt" /D /E /R /I /K /Y
del "C:\Users\Kratos\Desktop\MC Server\server.txt"
echo Finished Log Split and Log Backup...
goto time
@echo %date%
@echo %time%
echo Starting the 12hr Log Split and Log Backup...
ping -n 1 -w 3000 >nul
xcopy "C:\Users\Kratos\Desktop\MC Server\server.txt" "C:\Users\Kratos\Dropbox\Minecraft Backups\Logs\2-wed\server2.txt" /D /E /R /I /K /Y
del "C:\Users\Kratos\Desktop\MC Server\server.txt"
echo Finished Log Split and Log Backup...
goto time
@echo %date%
@echo %time%
echo Starting the 12hr Log Split and Log Backup...
ping -n 1 -w 3000 >nul
xcopy "C:\Users\Kratos\Desktop\MC Server\server.txt" "C:\Users\Kratos\Dropbox\Minecraft Backups\Logs\3-thu\server2.txt" /D /E /R /I /K /Y
del "C:\Users\Kratos\Desktop\MC Server\server.txt"
echo Finished Log Split and Log Backup...
goto time
@echo %date%
@echo %time%
echo Starting the 12hr Log Split and Log Backup...
ping -n 1 -w 3000 >nul
xcopy "C:\Users\Kratos\Desktop\MC Server\server.txt" "C:\Users\Kratos\Dropbox\Minecraft Backups\Logs\4-fri\server2.txt" /D /E /R /I /K /Y
del "C:\Users\Kratos\Desktop\MC Server\server.txt"
echo Finished Log Split and Log Backup...
goto time
@echo %date%
@echo %time%
echo Starting the 12hr Log Split and Log Backup...
ping -n 1 -w 3000 >nul
xcopy "C:\Users\Kratos\Desktop\MC Server\server.txt" "C:\Users\Kratos\Dropbox\Minecraft Backups\Logs\5-sat\server2.txt" /D /E /R /I /K /Y
del "C:\Users\Kratos\Desktop\MC Server\server.txt"
echo Finished Log Split and Log Backup...
goto time
@echo %date%
@echo %time%
echo Starting the 12hr Log Split and Log Backup...
ping -n 1 -w 3000 >nul
xcopy "C:\Users\Kratos\Desktop\MC Server\server.txt" "C:\Users\Kratos\Dropbox\Minecraft Backups\Logs\6-sun\server2.txt" /D /E /R /I /K /Y
del "C:\Users\Kratos\Desktop\MC Server\server.txt"
echo Finished Log Split and Log Backup...
goto time