我有一个跟踪员工时间的应用程序。员工必须每 12 天至少休息 2 天...员工应输入带有布尔真值的记录离开。我试图简单地计算日期递减一天的记录,从布尔 day_off 开始或连续日期中断......并在给定日期结束。
def consecutive_days_on(user, dutylog)
# dutylog will be supplied via a loop
last_day_off = user.dutylogs.where("entry_date < ?", dutylog.entry_date).where(day_off: true).last
start_date = dutylog.entry_date
if last_day_off.present?
end_date = last_day_off.entry_date
# if the user logged their days off
end_date = user.dutylogs.where("entry_date < ?", dutylog.entry_date).last.entry_date
# as of now this just finds the last record...it needs to iterate and increment date to find a break in days on
# to find break in consecutive dates...if user did not log days off
user.dutylogs.where("entry_date >= ? AND entry_date <= ?", start_date, end_date).count
# count the records between the two dates...to find consecutive days on