This question is a bit difficult to explain. I have a textfield on top (where the navigation bar is usually is) and when I start editing text, the keyboard shows and auto dims the background. I want to add another UIView below the textfield but have that visible and not dimmed out.

Perfect image that describes what I want is this: http://developer.apple.com/library/ios/documentation/StringsTextFonts/Conceptual/TextAndWebiPhoneOS/Art/keyboard_size.jpg

enter image description here I want to implement something similar like that google search bar underneath the search url bar. Notice how that is not dimmed out? How can I accomplish this?



2 回答 2


我认为您可以为此使用导航栏提示。在此处查看答案带有提示的导航栏 - 替换为图片

于 2013-07-11T21:59:03.583 回答

Google 搜索栏位于覆盖视图(变暗的部分)上方。分别构建导航栏、文本视图、您想要的视图和下面的 web 视图相对容易。如果您想要 webview 部分的暗色外观,那么这也相对容易实现,但我不确定这就是您正在寻找的。

于 2013-07-11T22:26:09.970 回答