In my current implementation of the MVC design pattern (demonstrated using PHP and CodeIgniter):

Let's say I have a "page" located at "www.mysite.com/blue/page" that is ultimately generated by the following (greatly simplified) files:


And here's an easy to understand controller:

// FILE: /controllers/blue/page.php

// Get some paramaters from URL
$params = $this->input->get();

// Use a library to do some stuff with these params with a session

// Use a very page specific class to do some funky stuff with the params
$funkified_params = $this->funky_class->funkify($params);

// Pass params to a model
$data['output_from_db'] = $this->page_model->get_some_output_from_db($funkified_params);

// Send to view
$this->load->view('blue/page', $data);

And now the question...

What is the best procedure for these "funky" little page specific classes that don't interact with the database? In this example I store the little class with the models, and in some cases might just add additional methods inside the model class to do the funky stuff. Is this good practice? Or should the library and funky class both go inside the model so the controller is even skinnier (however the model might be used in other places without the need for sessions and funkiness)?


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  • 加载助手时,该函数将在全局范围内可用,因此您可以在任何地方调用它。
  • 它们非常适合小型、独立的函数,这些函数只做一件不一定与模型或库中的代码相关的事情
  • 当在一种或另一种格式之间转换内容(slugify、convert_timezone、change_query_string)或执行您不想考虑的小任务(force_ssl、is_image、uri_string)时,助手对我来说尤其出色

funkify() 似乎是一个合适的辅助函数,可以防止大量重复代码。

这是关于它们的 codeigniter 文档页面:http: //ellislab.com/codeigniter/user-guide/general/helpers.html



function funkify($params) {
    // do funky stuff
    return $funky_params;


class Page extends CI_Controller {
    public function __construct() {

    public function page() {
        // do stuff
        $funky_params = funkify($params);
        // do more stuff
        $this->load->view('blue/page', $data);


于 2013-07-23T17:28:30.360 回答