这假设这两个会话在多用户桌面环境中的同一个盒子上。这是我的 C 代码:
int main(int argc, char* argv[]) {
Display *d_remote; /* - Display of User you are shadowing - */
Display *d_local; /* - Your display */
XImage *img; /* - Used to hold the pixles of the shadowed user's display - */
Window w, pointer_root, pointer_child;
XEvent e;
int s;
int pointerX, pointerY, winX, winY;
unsigned int mask;
//Open your display, if you cant set to NULL
d_local = XOpenDisplay(NULL);
if(d_local == NULL) {
printf("Error opening 'local' display\n");
//Set the XAUTHORITY to teh argument provided. This is the XAUTHORITY for the remote display
setenv("XAUTHORITY", argv[2],1);
d_remote = XOpenDisplay(argv[1]);
if(d_remote == NULL) {
printf("Error opening 'remote' display %s\n", argv[1]);
//Get the size of the remote display
Window root_remote = RootWindow(d_remote,0);
XWindowAttributes attr;
img = XGetImage(d_remote,RootWindow(d_remote,0),0,0,attr.width,attr.height,XAllPlanes(),ZPixmap);
printf("attr.width = %d, attr.height=%d\n", attr.width, attr.height);
//Create the window on your display
s = DefaultScreen(d_local);
w = XCreateSimpleWindow(d_local, RootWindow(d_local, s), 10, 10, 100, 100, 1,
BlackPixel(d_local, s), WhitePixel(d_local, s));
XSelectInput(d_local, w, ExposureMask | KeyPressMask);
XMapWindow(d_local, w);
while (1) {
/* - Get the image from the remote display and push it to the local window - */
img = XGetImage(d_remote,RootWindow(d_remote,0),0,0,attr.width,attr.height,XAllPlanes(),ZPixmap);
XPutImage(d_local, w, DefaultGC(d_local,0), img, 10, 10, 0, 0, attr.width, attr.height);
XQueryPointer(d_remote, RootWindow(d_remote,0), &pointer_root, &pointer_child, &pointerX, &pointerY, &winX, &winY, &mask);
XFillRectangle(d_local, w, DefaultGC(d_local, s), pointerX-10, pointerY-10, 10, 10);
return 0;
我基本上循环,使用 XGetImage 获取阴影用户屏幕的原始图像,然后将该图像转储到窗口中。这使用了大量的 CPU。我可以理解为什么考虑到我每厘米都在处理大图像。
有没有更有效的方法来做到这一点?VNC 本质上会捕获用户的屏幕并通过网络发送(当然是压缩的),但不会使用几乎一样多的 CPU。