private void ColourPicker_MouseDown(object sender, MouseEventArgs e)
{ // Probably being paranoid but I am worried about scaling issues, this.Location
// would return the same result as this mess but may not handle
// scaling <I haven't checked>
Point ControlCoord = this.PointToClient(this.PointToScreen(this.Location));
int ControlXStartPosition = ControlCoord.X;
int ControlYStartPosition = ControlCoord.Y;
int ControlXCalculatedWidth = ((RectangleColumnsCount + 1) * WidthPerBlock ) + ControlXStartPosition;
int ControlYCalculatedHeight = ((RectangleRowsCount + 1) * HeightPerBlock) + ControlYStartPosition;
// Ensure that the mouse coordinates are comparible to the control coordinates for boundry checks.
Point ControlRelitiveMouseCoord = this.ParentForm.PointToClient(this.PointToScreen(e.Location));
int ControlRelitiveMouseXcoord = ControlRelitiveMouseCoord.X;
int ControlRelitiveMouseYcoord = ControlRelitiveMouseCoord.Y;
// Zero Relitive coordinates are used for caluculating the selected block location
int ZeroRelitiveXMouseCoord = e.X;
int ZeroRelitiveYMouseCoord = e.Y;
// Ensure we are in the CALCULATED boundries of the control as the control maybe bigger than the painted area on
// the design time form and we don't want to use unpaited area in our calculations.
if((ControlRelitiveMouseXcoord > ControlXStartPosition) && (ControlRelitiveMouseXcoord < ControlXCalculatedWidth))
if((ControlRelitiveMouseYcoord > ControlYStartPosition) && (ControlRelitiveMouseYcoord < ControlYCalculatedHeight))
SetEvaluatedColourFromPosition(ZeroRelitiveXMouseCoord, ZeroRelitiveYMouseCoord);