所以情况就是这样:我有一个程序需要两个大的 csv 文件,找到差异,然后将数组列表发送到一个方法,该方法应该使用数组中的行更新 mongodb。问题是更新需要永远。具有 5000 次更新的测试用例需要 36 分钟。这是正常的吗?
- 方法是update(List<String> changes)
mongoClient = new MongoClient(ip);
db = mongoClient.getDB("foo");
collection = db.getCollection("bar");
//for each line of change
for (String s : changes) {
//splits the csv-lines on ;
String[] fields = s.split(";");
//identifies wich document in the database to be updated
long id = Long.parseLong(fields[0]);
BasicDBObject sq = new BasicDBObject().append("organizationNumber",id);
//creates a new unit-object, that is converted to JSON and then inserted into the database.
Unit u = new Unit(fields);
Gson gson = new Gson();
String jsonObj = gson.toJson(u);
DBObject objectToUpdate = collection.findOne(sq);
DBObject newObject = (DBObject) JSON.parse(jsonObj);
if(objectToUpdate != null){