在我通过操纵 .htcaccess 文件把它搞砸之后,我让一些人“修复”了我的自托管 WordPress 网站。现在一切正常,但编辑器页面消失了。





1 回答 1


The administrative plugin/theme editor can be disabled through the constant DISALLOW_FILE_EDIT in the file wp-config.php.

It comes as a security measure. As a fellow at WordPress Answers put it: editing plugin/themes this way is like working on the plane engine while it's on flight.
The biggest shortcoming is that this editor doesn't have backups. Any simple mistake may take the site down and you'll have to go through FTP to disable the theme/plugin, download it and correct the bug.

I've discussed this constant and its alternatives in this Q&A: Alternatives to DISALLOW_FILE_EDIT wp-config Constant? It Breaks Some Plugins.

于 2013-07-11T15:28:07.290 回答