I want to display the feeds of one specific twitter page. Regardless of who the user is, I want to be able to specify the number of tweets to get and the twitter user to retrieve for (this will be hardcoded)
I have used the following code to start the authentication
self.accountStore = store; ACAccountType *twitterAccountType = [self.accountStore accountTypeWithAccountTypeIdentifier: ACAccountTypeIdentifierTwitter];
There is a lot of code below this, which I follow from the twitter documentation, so basically, this will throw a UIAlertView if no accounts are set up.
I want to take into account the fact that, the users of this app: 1 - might not have a twitter account 2 - they do not use twitter on their phone and so its not set up in settings
The twitter feed serves as a news feed in this application, so my question is,
Is there anyway, I can provide the twitter api a default user, hardcoded, without having to go through the accounts ?
I want to know what sort of info the accountStore is pulling, so perhaps I could replicate it and send it to the twitter api after building a similar structure.
I am a bit new to iPhone programming so forgive me if some of this is very obvious.
Thank You for your time.