像这样的东西:http ://www.thegeekstuff.com/2010/07/perl-tcp-udp-socket-programming/
use IO::Socket::INET;
# flush after every write
$| = 1;
my ($socket,$client_socket);
# creating object interface of IO::Socket::INET modules which internally creates
# socket, binds and connects to the TCP server running on the specific port.
$socket = new IO::Socket::INET (
PeerHost => '',
PeerPort => '5000',
Proto => 'tcp',
) or die "ERROR in Socket Creation : $!\n";
print "TCP Connection Success.\n";
# read the socket data sent by server.
$data = <$socket>;
# we can also read from socket through recv() in IO::Socket::INET
# $socket->recv($data,1024);
print "Received from Server : $data\n";
# write on the socket to server.
$data = "DATA from Client";
print $socket "$data\n";
# we can also send the data through IO::Socket::INET module,
# $socket->send($data);
sleep (10);