I am using the Wordpress comment system and would like to divide the comments into 2 columns. The most recent comments need to be at the top too, very similar to how facebook pages work.

The content on certain pages of my site is all comments - so essentially with the exception of my 'about us' page the entire content area is comments.

For your information I am using the photoria theme which is a 2 column theme but the second column is taken up by my sidebar - don't know whether this effects it or not! Hope what I am asking is clear!

I'm relatively new to website design so speak to me as such :)

Thanks in advance, Paul


2 回答 2



假设您的标记与主题演示具有相同的类,请尝试将其添加到您的 CSS:

#commentspost { 
    overflow: hidden; /* clears floats */ 

.comment.odd {
    float: left;
    width: 45%;

.comment.even {
    float: right;
    width: 45%;

由于某些评论比其他评论长,这可能会留下空白。如果这对您来说是个问题,那么使用 jQuery Masonry插件之类的东西来处理浮动项目之间经常出现的额外空白。

于 2013-07-11T01:05:43.890 回答


看看我问的这个问题- 即使它不是评论......它具有相同的布局理念。

于 2013-07-11T01:12:57.257 回答