Ok, so I'm writing a web application in Actionscript 3.0 and I'm pretty stuck... I want it to be cloud based (All your data accessible where-ever you are on whatever device), but to be honest I don't know where to start or really... what route to take.

At the moment I'm storing all the data created on local shared objects, like the login system, all the data created within the software.

I've looked in to remote shared objects, but to be honest, I've been trying to find a really good tutorial really explaining what they are but haven't.

I also have a few MySQL databases but don't know where to start in sending SharedObject data to unique accounts via AS3, PHP, and MySQL. If anybody knows any good tutorial on that it would be great too.

Really, I'm just looking for somebody to lead me to the right direction, If you have ANY resources I would be hugely grateful. Thank you so much!


1 回答 1


幸运的是,AS3、PHP 和 MySQL 可以完美地协同工作。在 AS3 应用程序中,您可以:

  • 获取对象中包含的复杂用户数据(我指的是对象数据类型)
  • 将该对象写入 ByteArray
  • 对 ByteArray 进行 Base64 编码,使其可以安全地通过 http 发送
  • 将 base64 编码的字符串与经过身份验证的用户特定登录详细信息一起发布到您的服务器(您的 php 脚本),并使用 php 脚本将数据保存到您的 mysql 数据库。

然后,一切都可以以相反的顺序完成以检索数据。 是一篇关于序列化 AS3 对象的好文章,是一个很好的 Base64 编码器,是一篇关于将数据从 AS3 发布到网络服务器的基本文章。周围还有很多其他资源。只是一个提示,使用像 Chrome 控制台(例如)这样好的调试器来查看幕后发生的事情非常有帮助。

于 2013-07-11T12:20:23.170 回答