注意:如果可以的话,我会检查 Mike Brandt 的答案,因为他在死/活像素比上发现了我的愚蠢错误。但肯得到了普遍的好建议的点头。

我正在尝试在 Canvas 元素中调试康威生活游戏的一些性能问题,但遇到了一些非常奇怪的性能问题。

我得到大约 4-12 FPS 并且绘图功能的基准测试表明整体性能应该能够达到 60 FPS。

下面是画布绘制代码。RequestAnimationFrame 以大约 30FPS 的速度调用 updateBgCanvas。整个过程正在 Chrome 28.0.1500.70 中运行和性能测试。


不出所料,Canvas 绘图功能(fillDead 和 fillLive 是最大的 CPU 消耗量,但这里是它变得奇怪的地方。fillLive 消耗 5-6% 的 CPU 时间(大约是我对 fillRect 基准测试所做的预期)并且 fillDead 吃掉了很多36-38% 的 CPU 时间。除了针对 1 或 0 的条件测试外,这些功能相同。

我已经尝试在父函数中交换调用顺序,并且用于填充和 fillDead 的颜色始终比几乎相同的 fillLive 花费 6-7 倍的时间来调用。我完全不知道为什么会这样。


  window.bgVars = {
     "about": "The background is the famous Conway Game of Life",
     "_Canvas": {},
     "_Ctx": {},
     "xBlockSize": 5,
     "yBlockSize": 5,
     "xBlocks": 0,
     "yBlocks": 0,
     "bornVals": [3],
     "stayAliveVals": [2, 3],
     "cGrid": [],
     "cGrid2": [],
     "cL": 0,
     "initBgVars" : function(iCanvas, iCtx){
        this._Canvas = iCanvas;
        this._Ctx = iCtx;
        this.cGrid = [];
        this.cGrid2 = [];
        this.xBlocks = Math.round(myCanvas.width/this.xBlockSize) + 1;
        this.yBlocks = Math.round(myCanvas.height/this.yBlockSize) + 1;
        for(var rep=0;rep<(this.xBlocks * this.yBlocks);rep++){
        this.cGrid2.length = this.cGrid.length;
     "cirInd": function(index){
        //returns modulus, array-wrapping value to implement circular array
        return index%this.cGrid.length;
     "calcNeighbors": function(rep){
        var foo = this.xBlocks;
        var neighbors = this.cGrid[this.cirInd(rep-foo-1)] + this.cGrid[this.cirInd(rep-foo)] + this.cGrid[this.cirInd(rep-foo+1)] + this.cGrid[this.cirInd(rep-1)] + this.cGrid[this.cirInd(rep+1)] + this.cGrid[this.cirInd(rep+foo-1)] + this.cGrid[this.cirInd(rep+foo)] + this.cGrid[this.cirInd(rep+foo+1)];
        return neighbors;
     "refreshGrid": function(){
        for(var rep=0;rep<this.cGrid.length;rep++){
           if(Math.random()<0.0002){this.cGrid2[rep] = 1;}
           this.cGrid[rep] = this.cGrid2[rep];
     "lifeRules": function(rep, neighbors){
           if(this.cGrid[rep] == 1){  //stay alive rules
              for(var rep2=0;rep2<this.stayAliveVals.length;rep2++){
                 if(neighbors==this.stayAliveVals[rep2]){this.cGrid2[rep] = 1;}
           if(this.cGrid[rep] == 0){  //'born' rules
              for(var rep2=0;rep2<this.bornVals.length;rep2++){
                 if(neighbors==this.bornVals[rep2]){this.cGrid2[rep] = 1;}
     "fillDead": function(){
        for(var rep=0;rep<this.cGrid.length;rep++){
           if(this.cGrid[rep] == 0){
              this._Ctx.fillRect((rep%this.xBlocks)*this.xBlockSize, Math.floor(rep/this.xBlocks)*this.yBlockSize, this.xBlockSize, this.yBlockSize);
     "fillLive": function(){
        for(var rep=0;rep<this.cGrid.length;rep++){
           if(this.cGrid[rep] == 1){
              this._Ctx.fillRect((rep%this.xBlocks)*this.xBlockSize, Math.floor(rep/this.xBlocks)*this.yBlockSize, this.xBlockSize, this.yBlockSize);
     "updateBgCanvas": function(){
        //fill live squares
        this._Ctx.fillStyle = 'rgb(130, 0, 0)';
        //fill dead squares
        this._Ctx.fillStyle = 'rgb(100, 0, 0)';
        //calculate next generation to buffer
        for(var rep=0;rep<this.cGrid.length;rep++){
           //add up the live squares in the 8 neighbor blocks
           var neighbors = this.calcNeighbors(rep);
           this.cGrid2[rep] = 0;
           //implement GoL ruleset
           this.lifeRules(rep, neighbors);
        //seed with random noise to keep dynamic and copy to display buffer

Ken 建议对数学函数进行编辑,将父对象变量复制到本地变量,使数学函数的性能提高约 16%,总体提高约 4%:

     "cirInd": function(index, mod){
        //returns modulus, array-wrapping value to implement circular array
        return index%mod;
     "calcNeighbors": function(rep){
        var foo = this.xBlocks;
        var grid = this.cGrid;
        var mod = grid.length;
        var neighbors = grid[this.cirInd(rep-foo-1, mod)] + grid[this.cirInd(rep-foo, mod)] + grid[this.cirInd(rep-foo+1, mod)] + grid[this.cirInd(rep-1, mod)] + grid[this.cirInd(rep+1, mod)] + grid[this.cirInd(rep+foo-1, mod)] + grid[this.cirInd(rep+foo, mod)] + grid[this.cirInd(rep+foo+1, mod)];
        return neighbors;

1 回答 1


举一个例子来说明你可以做些什么来提高性能,试着用这个修改替换 fillDead 函数:

"fillDead": function(){

   /// localize to vars so interpreter doesn't
   /// have to walk of the branches all the time:
   var cGrid = this.cGrid, ctx = this._Ctx,
       xBlocks = this.xBlocks, xBlockSize = this.xBlockSize,
       yBlockSize = this.yBlockSize,
       rep = cGrid.length - 1;

   /// while loops are generally faster than for loops
      if(cGrid[rep] == 0){
         ctx.fillRect((rep%xBlocks) * xBlockSize, ((rep/xBlocks)|0) * yBlockSize, xBlockSize, yBlockSize);

那将如何表现?如果只有 1 或 2 个网格元素,您不会看到太大差异,但网格元素越多,性能应该越好(无法测试,因为我没有完整的代码)。


于 2013-07-11T00:54:58.843 回答