A colleague has a two line batch script to open excel when he logs in to his pc. He just doubleclicks it and has recently copied it to his startup folder so its automatic. i was wondering if i could have one to change the screen resolution when doubleclicked.

The reason for this is i regularly connect to an overhead projector, but my resoulution on it is wrong and i have to manually change the resoulution and then change it back when im done. I am avoiding having to install anything, so if possible, any solution should be a self-contained file (it's a work laptop!)

i was thinking it may be two files needed, the first to change resolution to 1024 x 768 and anotherto return it to 1280 x 1024. All help is appreciated.



2 回答 2


来自 12noon.com 的 DisplayChanger II运行良好,免费供个人使用。

DisplayChanger旨在通过命令行或批处理脚本调用,并在 64 位机器上运行。它还可以生成专门用于多显示器(或投影仪)设置的可编辑配置文件——您可以手动设置显示器,为它“创建”配置,然后随时调用该配置。

另一个流行的选项是开源的Qres 实用程序,但请注意,它只是 32 位的,而且可配置性较低。

于 2014-11-08T02:38:16.120 回答

如果 Poweshell 是一个选项,那么使用 Powershell 更改屏幕分辨率可以提供帮助。

于 2013-07-10T23:39:39.120 回答