I've developed an application in Visual Studio 2010 but I used the VS 2012 to create the
Setup Installer. It's working perfect when running it on Visual Studio 2012, no errors at all.
Detail: I builded this when I used win7, now i'm using windows 8 But when I install the application and try to run it, when it tries to overwrite the app.config file it throws the exception. I already tried to give permission by RightClick - Security tab but didnt solve the problem. I found THIS thread that looks like my problem. But didnt worked... All I have on my app.config is the connections strings. What may it be?

I gave permissions to Users/PC1 in each file.cfg and to the whole folder that the files are in.
And now it seens that it worked, but what may I do to do not need do all of this to run the applpication ? I want to install without needing to give permission to the folders and files. (It's a win8 complications... -.- ).


1 回答 1




  • 将 Visual Studio 作为Administrator.
  • 验证您User Account可以Read / Write到您的项目文件夹。
  • 确保您的Local ServiceNetwork ServiceLocal System

在我的脑海中,那些将是我会尝试的,更有可能Visual Studio无法修改app.config与您的帐户相关联的您的Local Service账户-与您的系统相关联的账户。



于 2013-07-10T20:37:14.503 回答