data ND a b = N { runN :: a -> [(b, ND a b)] }
instance Show (ND a b) where
show n = show "<ND>"
nd :: ND String Int
nd = N $ \a -> case a of
"hello" -> [(length a, nd), (length a + 100, nd)]
"world" -> [(length a + 10, nd)]
_ -> []
备注:请注意 nd 如何输出一个元组列表,每个元组包含计算结果和一个新的ND
现在构建一个从源接收输入并为所有输入运行 nd 的进程。
-- | Please note this is wrong, since only the first result of computation is used
toProcess :: ND a b -> Process a b
toProcess = construct . plan where
plan n = do
a <- await
case runN n a of
[] -> stop
((b,n'):xs) -> yield b >> plan n'
备注:上面这个过程是错误的,因为只取了第一个计算结果。理想情况下,该过程应分支为多个并行过程,每个过程产生一个输出 b,并使用其自己的版本递归n'
ret :: [Int]
ret = run $ source ["hello", "world", "again"] ~> toProcess nd
-- Run with toProcess above:
-- But ideally, should yield a list of possible results: