private void buildRegistryListTreeFromScratch(string[] rootSubs) {
//The rootSubs argument is the first layer of subkeys directly underneath the root keys
RegistryKey rootKey = Registry.CurrentUser;
registryTreeTracker.Name = "Current User";
for (int i = 0; i < rootSubs.Length; i++) {
registryTreeTracker.Children.Add(new RegistryTreeNode(rootSubs[i]));
for (int i = 0; i < rootSubs.Length; i++) {
RegistryKey selectedKey = rootKey.OpenSubKey(rootSubs[i]);
if (selectedKey.SubKeyCount > 0) {
private void subKeyBelow(string path) {
RegistryKey rootKey = Registry.CurrentUser;
RegistryKey selectedKey = rootKey.OpenSubKey(path);
for (int i = 0; i < registryTreeTracker.Children.Count; i++){
if (registryTreeTracker.Children[i].Name == path) {
registryTreeTracker.Children[i] ... //This is the impasse I have reached
我用于对象 registryTreeTracker 的类是 Daniel Hilgarth 在与此相关的问题中提供给我的类,其定义如下:
public class RegistryTreeNode {
private readonly List<RegistryTreeNode> _children = new List<RegistryTreeNode>();
public RegistryTreeNode(string name, params RegistryTreeNode[] children) {
Name = name;
public List<RegistryTreeNode> Children {
get {
return _children;
public string Name {