What is the best way to add "url_tags" to Ad creatives that have already been added to an existing Ad-Group, when the Ad is already live?

I understand that an Ad creative cannot be updated once it is live. This answer suggested a solution update creative in existing ad group , but it doesn't seem to work anymore.


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您可以通过创建新广告来更新现有广告组的广告,然后使用新的广告 ID 更新广告组:

  1. 使用您的 url_tags(在本例中为“key=val”)创建新的广告素材:

    curl \ -F "type=27" \ -F "object_id=object_id" \ -F "story_id=story_id" \ -F "url_tags=key=val" \ -F "access_token= _ " \ " https://graph .facebook.com/act_12134567/adcreatives "

  2. 使用新的广告 ID 更新您的广告组:

    curl \ -F "creative={'creative_id':new_adcreative_id}" \ -F "access_token= _ " \ " https://graph.facebook.com/adgroup_id "

于 2013-07-12T10:41:31.143 回答