I need to release only certain stories that have passed QA. I don't have access to the branches, only the master branch.

There will be another release in two weeks, so I was thinking of just creating a 'dead-end' release branch and that I need to start this branch from the commit just prior to the last release and then merge, rebase or cherry pick commits from the master to put into my 'release branch'.

So I've checked out from that point 2 weeks ago and made a branch from it. Now I need to fold-in all the stuff I'm interested in. Actually, no I haven't. I don't think I have. On master, I checked out the old commit and then made a new branch but looking at the illegible history in gitk is it? (I'm on Windows) I think it made a branch from the head of master.

Any advice gratefully received. Please speak slowly, as I find Git more difficult than any other topic I've ever had to comprehend in my life, including derivatives pricing, Newtonian Mechanics, vector math, string theory and my wife, and judging by the votes Git questions get, so does everyone else.

Hoping this is pretty standard, considering that most teams will have stories that don't meet QA some some that do.


2 回答 2



A---B---C---D---E---F <--master


git checkout -b newbranch A
git cherry-pick C E


 A---B---C---D---E---F <--master
   C'---E' <--newbranch


于 2013-07-10T16:39:28.620 回答



A---B---C---D---E---F <--master


git checkout -b newBranch F
git rebase -i A

然后,您最喜欢的编辑器将提示并显示和之间的所有提交newBranchA不包括 A):

pick B    Message for commit B
pick C    Message for commit C
pick D    Message for commit D
pick E    Message for commit E
pick F    Message for commit F

删除与您不想保留的提交对应的行,即:B、D、F。保存并退出,让 rebase 命令完成其工作。瞧!

A---B---C---D---E---F <--master
   C'---E' <--newbranch

正如 twalberg 所注意到的,您可能会在此过程中遇到冲突。在这种情况下,rebase 命令将为每个问题暂停,并邀请您解决它。完成后,只需键入git rebase --continue即可继续。

于 2013-07-10T17:03:42.010 回答