我是 ajax 新手。我想将选择框的参数值重定向到 servlet 到我的 servlet。这是我的代码,当我使用 request.getParameter("type") 时它没有检索值,它给了我一个空值。

       $(document).ready(function() {       
         $('#type').change(function() {                              
           $.get('pickasset', function(responseJson) {
             var type = $('#type').val();
                url: 'PickAssetServlet',
                data: type          

    <form action="pickasset" method="post">
        <select id="type" name="type">
           <option value="Non-Sap">Non Sap</option>
           <option value="Sap">Sap</option>

当我更改选择框时,它必须转到 servlet 并在那里执行逻辑。


3 回答 3


Check box value must be obtained from checkbox in the right way, as mentioned in jQuery docs (http://api.jquery.com/val/), just pay attention to multiple select, you're gonna have an array of values. You are doing it right, according to docs.

var varValue = var type = $('#type').val();

Then sending data as 'json' you will be able to read them with request.getParameter('type')

data: { "type" : varValue }

If you still get null, try to check if your "type" param and his value are in the request (chrome request inspector will be usefull, then check it in the debugger).



Just check if you have something in your webapp filterchain that may wrap you request or hide some params, in some large web-app you get lost very easly.

于 2013-07-10T16:42:53.567 回答

如果您没有从选择字段中获取选定的选项,则需要使用 $('#type').find(":selected").text()来检索选定的选项。val()不适用于选择字段。也按照 pXL 所说的去做,因为这就是您使用 jQuery ajax 方法发送数据的方式

于 2013-07-10T15:42:42.337 回答


data: { type : type }
于 2013-07-10T15:27:51.387 回答