我有一个将 mp3 文件流式传输到浏览器的 php 脚本。我想知道浏览器是否有办法缓存播放过的歌曲,如果没有,则流式传输文件。我已经包含了用于流式传输 mp3 文件的功能。以及我如何实现 php 脚本的 HTML。我使用 .htaccess 文件来获取歌曲的 ID,然后根据数据库中的歌曲进行流式传输。我正在成像与 304 标头有关的东西,对吗?如果有人可以指导我吗?谢谢。


private function send_file($file, $name, $contenttype = "application/octet-stream") {
    // Make sure the files exists, otherwise we are wasting our time
    if (!file_exists($file)) {
        error_log('file not found');
      header("HTTP/1.1 404 Not Found");

    // Get the 'Range' header if one was sent
    if (isset($_SERVER['HTTP_RANGE'])) $range = $_SERVER['HTTP_RANGE']; // IIS/Some Apache versions
    else if ($apache = apache_request_headers()) { // Try Apache again
      $headers = array();
      foreach ($apache as $header => $val) $headers[strtolower($header)] = $val;
      if (isset($headers['range'])) $range = $headers['range'];
      else $range = FALSE; // We can't get the header/there isn't one set
    } else $range = FALSE; // We can't get the header/there isn't one set

    // Get the data range requested (if any)
    $filesize = filesize($file);
    if ($range) {
      $partial = true;
      list($param,$range) = explode('=',$range);
      if (strtolower(trim($param)) != 'bytes') { // Bad request - range unit is not 'bytes'
        error_log('range unit not in bytes');
        header("HTTP/1.1 400 Invalid Request");
      $range = explode(',',$range);
      $range = explode('-',$range[0]); // We only deal with the first requested range
      if (count($range) != 2) { // Bad request - 'bytes' parameter is not valid
        error_log('bytes range parameter is not valid');
        header("HTTP/1.1 400 Invalid Request");
      if ($range[0] === '') { // First number missing, return last $range[1] bytes
        $end = $filesize - 1;
        $start = $end - intval($range[0]);
      } else if ($range[1] === '') { // Second number missing, return from byte $range[0] to end
        $start = intval($range[0]);
        $end = $filesize - 1;
      } else { // Both numbers present, return specific range
        $start = intval($range[0]);
        $end = intval($range[1]);
        if ($end >= $filesize || (!$start && (!$end || $end == ($filesize - 1)))) $partial = false; // Invalid range/whole file specified, return whole file
      $length = $end - $start + 1;
    } else $partial = false; // No range requested

    // Send standard headers
    header("Content-Type: $contenttype");
    header("Content-Length: $filesize");
    header('Content-Disposition: attachment; filename="'.$name.'.mp3"');
    header('Accept-Ranges: bytes');

    // if requested, send extra headers and part of file...
    if ($partial) {
      header('HTTP/1.1 206 Partial Content'); 
      header("Content-Range: bytes $start-$end/$filesize"); 
      if (!$fp = fopen($file, 'r')) { // Error out if we can't read the file
        error_log('can\'t read the file');
        header("HTTP/1.1 500 Internal Server Error");
      if ($start) fseek($fp,$start);
      while ($length) { // Read in blocks of 8KB so we don't chew up memory on the server
        $read = ($length > 8192) ? 8192 : $length;
        $length -= $read;
    } else readfile($file); // ...otherwise just send the whole file

    // Exit here to avoid accidentally sending extra content on the end of the file


<audio src="/media/play/12345" loop />

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