再次被 AppleScript 工作流解决方案的语法和排序弄糊涂了
tell application "Finder"
set remote_p to alias (POSIX file '/Volumes/WAM XSAN/Audio/AAA)
set main_folder to (make new folder at remote_p with properties {name:temp_name}) as alias
end tell
一切正常。但是,我需要根据输入“client_code”和“department”在不同的位置创建 main_folder,所以我尝试了这个:
tell application "Finder"
set x_san to "/Volumes/WAM XSAN/"
set x_sannewpath to (x_san & department & "/" & client_code)
set x_sanfolder to POSIX file x_sannewpath
set remote_p to alias (POSIX file x_sanfolder)
set main_folder to (make new folder at remote_p with properties {name:temp_name}) as alias
end tell
错误又回来了“无法获得应用程序查找器的“卷/WAM XSAN/音频/AAA””
我在设置 POSIX 路径时哪里出错了?