Is there a problem with adding a UITableView as a subview of aUIView? I had a line of code that was working for months, and recently broke after I updated XCode to 4.6.3. Long story short, I was returning TableViewTwo as a subview of a UIView as a footer of TableViewOne. Please don't ask me why this is necessary, it is just convenient for what I am doing. Well, the app would always crash on the simulator, but not on the device. It would give me a bizarre error and an opaque call stack. The error said unrecognized selector(numberOfSections)sent to instance. Yes, the selector was numberOfSections and not the numberOfSectionsInTableView in the UITableViewDataSource. Well, when I returned the UITableViewTwo as UITableViewOne's footer..everything started working. Does anyone know if there is a problem with adding a UITableView as a subview of a UIView? For more information - see this SO Post(link)


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