是否可以使用 nutiteq 显示开放的自行车地图(不是开放的街道地图)?
没有 MBTilesMapLayer.java 类。但是在 AdvencedMap3D 项目中有。是否也有一个库,或者我如何为我的 Android 项目使用 MBTiles?
Sure, you can use more or less any tile source where provider has allowed it (which excludes Google).
mapView.getLayers().setBaseLayer(new TMSMapLayer(new EPSG3857(), 0, 18, 6,
"http://a.tile.opencyclemap.org/cycle/", "/", ".png"));
This is added now to Nutiteq Tile sources Wiki page also
For MBTiles you should use the MBTilesMapLayer.java from AdvancedMap3D project. This is up-to-date code and for most of the data source layers we keep open source code there, so you can tweak it for your needs.