是否可以使用 nutiteq 显示开放的自行车地图(不是开放的街道地图)?


没有 MBTilesMapLayer.java 类。但是在 AdvencedMap3D 项目中有。是否也有一个库,或者我如何为我的 Android 项目使用 MBTiles?


1 回答 1


Sure, you can use more or less any tile source where provider has allowed it (which excludes Google).

mapView.getLayers().setBaseLayer(new TMSMapLayer(new EPSG3857(), 0, 18, 6,
  "http://a.tile.opencyclemap.org/cycle/", "/", ".png"));

This is added now to Nutiteq Tile sources Wiki page also

For MBTiles you should use the MBTilesMapLayer.java from AdvancedMap3D project. This is up-to-date code and for most of the data source layers we keep open source code there, so you can tweak it for your needs.

于 2013-07-10T11:52:28.093 回答