I need to select companies from the database with their active addresses (address.address_status_id = 1). If the address is inactive the address columns should contain nulls.
The following query does exactly what I want:
select c.id, c.name, a.id, a.street
from company c
left join
(select * from address where address_status_id = 1) a
on c.id = a.company_id
I tried this in Java/QueryDSL:
JPAQuery query = new JPAQuery(entityManager);
query = query.from(qCompany);
query = query.leftJoin(company.addresses, new JPASubQuery().from(qAddress)
However JPA (and consequently the JPAQuery in QueryDSL) doesn't support a subquery in a JOIN clause
Is there a way to rephrase the SQL statement so that it can be expressed in JPA/QueryDSL?
edit: We're using Oracle DB and Hibernate JPA provider if it makes a difference.