I Have very specific requirement for this android app, Where I get JSON file from server Like this:

{"t":"Facebook Photos","tbico":"113navigation.png","fbPgID":"zoo"}

In pre-built iOS version of this app, Layout will look something like this link using above JSON , And I have a task to use this JSON and display it similar way in android (Using TabView) for Example this link My problem is: How can i create different Tabs and Fragments Activity that will adjust it self according to above json (e.g: In case if there is one more object in above JSON, than show one more Tab in Layout)?

This did not help me: link, I have parse json and stuff, I need help with How to displaying UI element


1 回答 1


您在这里需要一些严肃的 JSON 库,例如Jackson


@JsonIgnoreProperties(ignoreUnknown = true)
public abstract class MyBaseClass
    protected String title;
    protected final String iconName;

    // etc



// customize as needed, see javadoc
final ObjectMapper mapper = new ObjectMapper();
final List<MyBaseClass> l = mapper.readValue(theJson, 
    new TypeReference<List<MyBaseClass>>() {});

要么这个,要么走 JSON(使用 JsonNode 这太棒了)并一个一个地创建你的标签。

于 2013-07-10T06:40:22.983 回答