
Recently I had a great idea for a 16-bit-styled 2D side-scrolling game I would like to make. I know C++ is the preferred language for game development, but I'm not too familiar with it and it seems like a hassle to learn. I'm much more comfortable using python and I rather get to work while it is fresh in my mind. I do have experience making some basic programs.

So my question is, what would are the best python gaming libraries or other tools to make a 2D side-scroller in a 16-bit style? Or, in other words, if I were trying to recreate a Super Nintendo game like Super Mario World, what would be the best way to go about doing that in python?

I've looked into Pygame, and while it does sound appealing, I haven't found any games made with it that really impressed me. I also heard of Pyglet, which seemed a little better to me, but I'm not too sure.

Thanks for the help. n__n


1 回答 1


我建议您为此使用 flash/actionscript,因为您正在寻找一些可以帮助您的库?Pygame 很棒,但是你必须自己构建所有东西,碰撞、块、滚动,如果你查看 pyagame.org,你会发现一些基于 pygame 构建的惊人游戏。您可以找到一些库,但它们并不全面,并且仅提供碰撞或仅瓦片支持等小东西。

Pyglet 不太受欢迎,因此用它制作的游戏更少,而且它的社区更小。

所以我的建议是学习 actionscript 3,并使用下面的这些库,它们会大大加快你的开发速度。


于 2013-07-10T04:37:03.120 回答