I am using a storyboard in Xcode to build a pretty simple "contact information email to myself app" where a user will enter contact info then click a segway push that pops up an alert. Info from contact fields are dumped in text field on next viewController. This text field is then send with the click of a button on the next view controller.

My progress:

I can construct the first view controller and have the textfields and submit/segway push button with alert popup built and have that in another project.

In another project I have made the viewController with the textField and have it work to send me email with the push of email button. Email runs user pushes send and tadaaaa

My problems:

I try to add them together and it locks me out of IBAction/IBOutput contrl+drags in .h and .m

I want the content of this textView to come from five textfields of info on the previous view controller, so I am sure some IBOutput connections will need to be made and such.

I am looking for help and will post .h and .m upon request.

I am just having some difficulty finding out how to make the first textfields connect and dump info into the textView on the next viewController I can make email.


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