更新:将我的解决方案变成了一个独立的 python 脚本。
这个解决方案不止一次救了我。希望其他人觉得它有用。这个 python 脚本将找到任何使用超过cpu_threshold
CPU 的 jupyter 内核,并提示用户向内核发送一个SIGINT
,直到内核的 cpu 使用率低于cpu_threshold
. 如果有多个行为不端的内核,它将提示用户中断每个内核(按 CPU 使用率从高到低排序)。非常感谢gcbeltramini编写代码以使用 jupyter api 查找 jupyter 内核的名称。该脚本在 MACOS 上使用 python3 进行了测试,需要 jupyter notebook、requests、json 和 psutil。
python ~/interrupt_bad_kernels.py
Interrupt kernel chews cpu.ipynb; PID: 57588; CPU: 2.3%? (y/n) y
from os import getpid, kill
from time import sleep
import re
import signal
from notebook.notebookapp import list_running_servers
from requests import get
from requests.compat import urljoin
import ipykernel
import json
import psutil
def get_active_kernels(cpu_threshold):
"""Get a list of active jupyter kernels."""
active_kernels = []
pids = psutil.pids()
my_pid = getpid()
for pid in pids:
if pid == my_pid:
p = psutil.Process(pid)
cmd = p.cmdline()
for arg in cmd:
if arg.count('ipykernel'):
cpu = p.cpu_percent(interval=0.1)
if cpu > cpu_threshold:
active_kernels.append((cpu, pid, cmd))
except psutil.AccessDenied:
return active_kernels
def interrupt_bad_notebooks(cpu_threshold=0.2):
"""Interrupt active jupyter kernels. Prompts the user for each kernel."""
active_kernels = sorted(get_active_kernels(cpu_threshold), reverse=True)
servers = list_running_servers()
for ss in servers:
response = get(urljoin(ss['url'].replace('localhost', ''), 'api/sessions'),
params={'token': ss.get('token', '')})
for nn in json.loads(response.text):
for kernel in active_kernels:
for arg in kernel[-1]:
if arg.count(nn['kernel']['id']):
pid = kernel[1]
cpu = kernel[0]
interrupt = input(
'Interrupt kernel {}; PID: {}; CPU: {}%? (y/n) '.format(nn['notebook']['path'], pid, cpu))
if interrupt.lower() == 'y':
p = psutil.Process(pid)
while p.cpu_percent(interval=0.1) > cpu_threshold:
kill(pid, signal.SIGINT)
if __name__ == '__main__':