我有一个 Python (3) 程序,它从文件中读取一些数据,获取相关部分并将其吐出到其他各个地方。问题是file.readline()
已经开始拒绝从任何文件中获取任何行。它只是返回一个空字符串,就好像它在文件末尾一样。文件不是问题,我用一个快速脚本(读取文件,逐行打印)进行了检查。可能的解决方案(虽然我不知道为什么)是我使用 2to3 将代码转换为 python3,但是查看它打印的差异我没有看到对文件 I/O 内容的任何修改。
import threading
import time
def runFile(eventFile, channelRefFileName, serialPorts, timeScale, maxPEs):
timer0 = threading.Timer(.0001, turnOffLED, [0, 0, 0, 1])
numEvents = getNumEvents(eventFile)
eventCount = 0
while 1:
linein = eventFile.readline()
#if linein == '' or '\n' or '\r\n' or '\r': break
#above checks if the end of file has been reached, below is debugging
if linein == '': print('EOF')
if linein == '\n': print('linefeed')
if linein == '\r\n': print('carrige return/ linefeed')
if linein == '\r' : print('carrige return')
if linein == 'New Event\n':
print('New Event', eventCount, ': file is',
(eventCount/numEvents)*100, '% done.')
eventCount += 1
#insert event sleep time here
linein = linein.split(' ')
linein[2] = linein[2][:-1]
linein[1] = float(linein[1])
if linein[1] < 0: linein[1] = linein[1] * (-1)
channel = channelLookup(linein[0], channelRefFileName)
if timer0.isAlive:
#use backup timer
timer1 = threading.Timer(0.005, turnOffLED, [serialPorts, channel[0], channel[1], 0])
#use primary timer
timer0 = threading.Timer(0.005, turnOffLED, [serialPorts, channel[0], channel[1], 0])
print('Sleeping:', linein[1]*timeScale)
def channelLookup(channel, channelRefFile):
channelRef = open(channelRefFile, 'r')
for line in channelRef:
if channel in line:
linein = line
linein = linein.split('-')
return linein[1:]
def turnOffLED(serialPorts, arduino, pmt, bs):
if bs: return -1
def getNumEvents(eventFile):
i = 0
for lines in eventFile:
if lines == 'New Event\n':
i += 1
return i
import hawc
import datetime
timeScale = 0.001
#timeScale of 0.000001 results in runtime of 0:06:52.858136
#a timeScale of 0.001 is 9:28:34.837992
eventSleep = 0
maxPEs = 1000
serialPorts = [0, 1, 2, 3, 4]
channelRefFileName = 'Data/hawc-arduino_channel_lookup'
st = datetime.datetime.now()
print('Start time is', st)
eventFile = open('Data/events.txt', 'r')
hawc.runFile(eventFile, channelRefFileName, serialPorts, timeScale, maxPEs)
et = datetime.datetime.now()
print('End time is', et)
print('File has run for', et-st)
这是程序可能处理的一些示例数据(一个文件可能大约有 500000 行):
Channel: 447 Time: 121.263 PEs: 2263.38
Channel: 445 Time: 118.556 PEs: 1176.54
Channel: 448 Time: 120.384 PEs: 1159.59
Channel: 446 Time: 122.798 PEs: 983.949
Channel: 499 Time: 129.983 PEs: 762.07