我似乎找不到最新的 bing API 更新发生了什么变化。我有一段时间没有更新我的应用程序了,我的前一次正则表达式不再从 IRouteService 响应中剥离标签!
//Remove all Bing Maps tags around keywords.
Regex regex = new Regex("<[/a-zA-Z:]*>", RegexOptions.IgnoreCase | RegexOptions.Multiline);
textBlock1.Text = regex.Replace(directions.ToString(), string.Empty);
Leg #1
1. 15.034 Head <VirtualEarth:span class="heading">northeast</VirtualEarth:span>.
2. 8.4 Turn <VirtualEarth:TurnDir>left</VirtualEarth:TurnDir>
3. 0 You will reach your destination . The destination is on your left.
Leg #1
1. 15.034 Head northeast.
2. 8.4 Turn left
3. 0 You will reach your destination . The destination is on your left.